Pastor Ken will begin an 8 week sermon series title Jesus 101—going through the first 8 chapters of the Gospel of Mark.

Jesus 101 Challenge

Download the Jesus 101 Challenge bookmark

The Gospel of Mark begins with these words: “The beginning of the Gospel about Jesus Christ, the Son of God”.  “Gospel” means news and what follows in the next 16 chapters is the best news that the world has ever received.  At Lakeside we truly believe that we can know Jesus.  Know Him in the sense of having a relationship with Him and know Him in the sense that we have responded to the call of Jesus to “follow me”.  Over the next few weeks our prayer is that all of us will grow in our knowledge of Jesus – even if you’ve known Him for years.  Below are some practices that we have found to be important in this process of getting to know Jesus.

Explore:  Read the Gospel of Mark.  Level One – read Mark twice between now and the end of February (average 5 chapters per week) Level Two – Gospels in 7 Weeks. Average about 2 chapters/day through the 4 Gospels.

Reflect:  As you read, write down in a notebook verses that challenge or encourage you, things that you need to apply to your life, verses to memorize, etc.  Use these things as subjects for your prayers. Share what you are learning with someone else.  Find someone to partner with you in this journey.  Post the verses that are most meaningful to you in the comments below or on the Lakeside Facebook page.

Pray: for those in your life who need to know Jesus.  How does God want to use you to introduce them to Him? Pray that God would work in your life to deepen your love for Jesus.  Pray with others about these things.

Act:  As you are getting to know Jesus better, ask what it would look like in your life to follow Jesus.  What are the disciplines that Jesus followed that you need to implement?  How would your life be different if you were one of His disciples?  What is holding you back from trusting Him completely?  What do you need to do about what you are learning? Who will keep you accountable for doing these things?  Participate in a LIFE Group that will encourage you in your growth.

Seek:  Don’t really know where Jesus fits in your life?  If you would like to explore questions like “Who is Jesus?”  “Why does He matter?” or any other question you might have about Jesus, why not get into a group with 2 or 3 others and explore some of these important questions?  No question is out of bounds.  If you are interested in a group like this please respond on the Jesus 101 Challenge bookmark where it says “Seeker Group”

Download the Jesus 101 Challenge bookmark